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Pricing: 5% of total sale
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Adding an item to sell on upfrica is free. We will not charge a listing fee or a monthly subscription fee. We only charge a one-off Net Value Fee(NVF) when your item is sold.
NVF is calculated as five per cent(5%) of the sale's total amount (the item price and delivery cost ).
For a example, your listed item sold for 100, and you charged 10 for delivery. The NVF is 110, so we will charge you 5.5 as a processing fee and pay you 104.5
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Your free product listing allowance will continue.
We will only charge you a 5% handling fee when you sell an item.

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Upfrica handles everything from marketing and payments, to secure checkout.
Whether you sell online, on social media, in store, or car boot sale, Upfrica has you covered.
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Pocket more from each sale, with a total handling fee as low as 5%